
Full Stack Engineer, IDWise Ltd, London, UK

June 2022 - Present

  • Dashboard Development: Worked on dashboards for SDK customization, customer-facing dashboards, and internal tools using VueJS, Python, AWS Lambda, and Flask.
  • Continuous Learning: Gained extensive knowledge and experience in new technologies, continuously improving project efficiency in a fast-paced startup environment.

Software Engineer, PLC Group, Islamabad

September 2021 - June 2022

  • Monitoring Dashboard: Developed and maintained a ReactJS and GraphQL-based dashboard for remote monitoring.
  • Project Leadership: Led a comprehensive remote monitoring project, integrating multiple technologies into a single dashboard.
    • Technologies Used: Node.js, ExpressJS, Redis, PostgreSQL, MQTT, Redis PubSub.
  • Backend Development: Gained extensive experience in backend technologies and learned new tools and methodologies.

Software Engineer, Develo IT Solutions, Islamabad

September 2020 - September 2021

  • Began as a React developer, working on dashboards and a React Native app.
  • Technologies Used: Worked with ReactJS, React Native, Firebase, Node.js, and MongoDB.
  • AWS Management: Managed AWS services like EC2 and CloudFront; implemented CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions.
  • Real-time Application: Developed a real-time map application.


B.S. in Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad

September 2016 - June 2020

  • Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Systems, Software Engineering, Web Development
  • Projects:
    • Classroom App: Developed a native Android app using Java with real-time chat, assignments, and other classroom features using Firebase.
    • Meeting Scheduler App: Created a meeting scheduler app with a Node.js backend and a native Android app using Java.

Technical Skills

Frontend DevelopmentVue.js, React, JavaScript, TypeScript
Backend DevelopmentNestJS, ExpressJS, Python, NATS
DatabasesMySQL, MongoDB, Redis
Cloud & DevOpsAWS (EC2, Lambda, VPS, Cloudfront, S3, Amplify, ECS, CodePipeline), Docker & Compose, GitHub Actions, Nginx
Other TechnologiesFirebase, Golang (Currently Learning)